Paddock Medical
VEM are leading the way with state of the art paddock medical provisions keeping all of the key personnel that make your race happen on their feet.
Alternative Fuel Specialists
VEM's electrical and hydrogen safety expertise in the motorsport sphere is unrivalled and class leading.
Track Rescue
We provide specialist rescue teams with extensive FIA World Championship experience to races across the globe.
Chief Medical Officers
We are able to provide experienced Consultant grade physicians with international experience as Chief Medical Officers or Medical Services Consultant's where an FIA Medical Delegate is not in place.
Safety Consultancy
Our safety team are able to review the approach to new and emerging risks and integrate seamlessly to your existing team to improve safety standards.
Team Medical Support
VEM's network of global healthcare staff and extensive medical reach back service with e-prescribing means we are the ideal solution to managing your team members travel health when overseas.